Monday, March 24, 2014

Ps and Qs

Hey Y'all!!!

What's happening!??    *insert picture of me waving madly at you*

Happy Spring,! Happy Spring Break!! Happpy Monday, and all ah that !  I hope you all are well, healthy, and de-stressing in some form because 1.) it is past 5 o clock! (the general time consensus when buildings & institutions throw up its workers into a traffic jam)  2.) like the greeting said, it should be spring break for some people, so woosah, itsss allll good mon *Jamaican accent*

can't you just imagine laying down and looking up at this view! Me of course would be after taking my allergy meds

         Now that your blood pressure is hopefully somewhat in the normal range, I want to rap to you about LIFE.  I mean, Can I rap to you??  *phew* thank you!  So in living this best possible life, we all have to start somewhere right?? I mean, you can't just wake up and just say AHA I want to start living my best possible life .....TODAY!  I mean, can you??   Life is just full of demands.  We all want to be better.  We want to make more money, go on more vacations, buy more clothes, live in better houses (mortgage free whoop whoop!), sleep more, eat more and not gain a pound, laugh more, look better.... I mean, the list goes on and on.  We want more! We want More! More quality out of life. More substance. And everyday seems to be that chance to .....restart, to make it better more time.

           So again, can you just wake up and start living your best possible life???....... Why, I sure hope so.

                               There has got to be more than school, 9-5s, paychecks and bills bills bills. 

             Even in the middle of the day, you can just stop and say, "enough!" and determine from that point on to be your bespossible you.                         

              Quick story:  This morning, I woke up and I had so many plans. I was going to get it IN with so much efficiency and grace, I mean, you couldn't stop me.  I told you all about the planner, and the goals...come on baby, I was going to dominate my MON-DAY! .......................... Now insert Ms. Reality with her overly annoying smug self and BAM! within an hour, I was cursing. I mean I was spraying foul language like it was perfume and I was ready to be back in the bed. 

                   Forget it! I quit ! UGHHHH! why why why why !!!! what the *&#$^@#^  !!  

                                                                       I mean, I Was Pissed.   

This is me when I'm angry.  No really.  I want to hulk smash everything. LOL!
                                                     "Oh Nooo What happened, Charlene?!"
                 Aww, thanks for asking. I forgot that I wrote in my planner that I had an appointment in the morning!  So I had one angry manager giving me an earful and if you know me, you'll know I hate being scolded.  I mean, Who does!!???

                  Anyways, lucky for me and being a Christian, (seriously thank God for God), I knew this was not the start of a bad day but honestly, a major hiccup in a great day.  What happened was MY fault.  No one else's.  Not the devil, even though I prayed and still cast his ugly &^%@% self out regardless, you know how it goes lol!! But really, this one.... I was to blame 100.5% 

                                                                          *huge sigh*

                 And so my lesson learned, and blog post title created, that I want to share with you all is really to make sure that as you DECIDE to live your best possible life, to be on your Ps and Qs.   What in the world does that mean?  Oooooh oooh me me, I'll tell you.  It means to pay attention to details!   SO, *clears throat*  I wrote a letter apologizing to said manager.  I prayed and asked God for forgiveness for being soooo un-christian like...and You want to know the most important thing I did? 

                                                                       I forgave myself.
               It's not fair to walk around just feeling disgusted at yourself.  YOU are the vessel from which forth all this greatness will spill from  <--- read it again.   Living a Best Possible You means remembering that You are Human, and You will make mistakes.  It's OKAY!!!   Just pick your face from the floor, dust it off, and when you're done making right those wrongs, LOVE You too!!  *smiles*

              So yeah, I hugged myself, and I said "I love you Charlene."  (It also helped that my bestest friend gave me a hug too) but I really had to realize that I just asked God to forgive me, as well as the person I wronged.  I have to forgive me too.  So hello!  Who had a lovely day today!??

                                                                      That would be ...Me.

                 So I researched the history of the saying "Mind your Ps and Qs"  (Yeah yeah Blame the NErd in me)  and it dates back to England when bartenders would yell out to their patrons to mind their Pints and Quarts and settle down.  Soon, they just shortened it to Ps and Qs and I guess it caught on  ; ) pretty snazzy huh?

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